Ajeduca is a collection of 3 notebooks for pre-primary education that provides materials for the student in Spanish and materials for the teacher in both Spanish and English. There are 6 notebooks for the primary school level (in Spanish and English). In these notebooks, different pieces, their movements, game strategies, tips, rules and the most frequent errors are progressively taught using easy to understand terminology. It is colour coded in order to identify explanations, exercises and complementary topics.
The Ajeduca method proposes various types of activities:
- Guided discovery: students actively participate in the search for solutions to the problems that arise. They will use different strategies such as inquiry, comparison, discovery, etc.
- Cooperative learning: students work with different groups; group members will work together to solve their doubts and correct mistakes.
- Following directions: Students will be taught to follow directions as they are provided with information (such as rules and regulations) from teachers.